Expert Builders Take Your Bathroom Remodel To Another Level.
For improved function and style, a bathroom remodel starts with how you use your space. Our process begins with listening to your needs and intended uses for the bathrooms you’re ready to remodel. Herr & Co. works with your vision to produce a comprehensive estimate that includes upgrades and innovative features to complement your style and needs while enhancing functionality.
Smart Design Leads To Improved Function.
From radiant floors to light-touch faucets and low-flow showerheads and toilets, there are more options for bathroom remodels than ever before. Smart design gives you benefits and features you might not have even realized were available and affordable. We help you make selections and guide your decisions based in our extensive experience paired with your vision. Visit our gallery for examples of our bathroom remodel work.
Our Expertise Means Greater, More Creative Bath Solutions For You.
Since 1988, Herr & Co. has been proudly serving the Shenandoah Valley’s bath remodel needs. In that time, we’ve grown with the industry, adopting sustainable construction practices, innovative technologies, and improved building materials and codes. With each bath remodel we have gained depth in our creativity and technical knowledge of how to deliver the best solution. Your bath remodel can do more than provide new finishes. Adding function to your bath can also bring greater enjoyment.
We Adapt For Timely Responses To Remodeling Surprises.
One of the more interesting aspects of a remodel is the potential for surprises during demolition. When an unexpected situation arises, Herr & Co. demonstrate the ability to adapt quickly and find reasonable solutions to move the project along and keep it on track. Save time and money with experienced contractors who can find the right remediation solution for a timely resolution. We keep an eye to the details in order to give you the best value for the long-term.